Tuesday 10 January 2023

Comedy of Menace

 Thinking Activity Comedy of Menace 

This Thinking Activity on For Comedy of Menace task was assigned by Yesha Bhatt Ma'am Department of English MKBU. In this task, we have to write down the Answer to Anyone one question,and I am writing on movie reviews.

It is the story based on the play by Harold Pinter of A man in his late 30s nammedStanley Webber (Robert Shaw) a mysterious and private man who takes up lodging in a rundown British seaside house. He rents an upstairs room from Mr. and Mrs. Bowles (Moultrie Kelsall, Dandy Nichols) who are quite odd themselves. One day two men dressed in black suits (Patrick Magee, Sydney Tafler) come to pay Stanley a visit. They know something about Stanley’s past and their presence frightens him to the extent that it causes him to have a nervous breakdown.

The film and sets look great, although things begin to get a bit claustrophobic as the action never moves from the main room or the kitchen, for the most part. Sydney Tafler & Patrick Magee are excellent as the two mysterious men, and you're really never sure of their purpose. 

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