Wednesday 8 February 2023

I.A. Richards: Practical Criticism - Figurative Language

 This Blog is a response to the thinking activity on 'The Waste Land' given by professor Dr.Dilip Barad Sir. This activity is all about interpretation of poems in context to I.A. Richards "The Figurative Language". In this Blog I will try to Interpret 'Three Oddest Words' by Wislawa Szymborska.

The Three Oddest Words

When I pronounce the word Future,

the first syllable already belongs to the past.

When I pronounce the word Silence,

I destroy it.

When I pronounce the word Nothing,

I make something no non-being can hold.

By Wislawa SzymborskaTranslated by S. Baranczak & C. Cavanagh

This poem is a short poem of six lines and three stanzas. As per my understanding The poet has tried to say a lot in this short six line poem. The structure of the poem is good and poet use simple words for Deep meaning. The theme of the poem is expression of the complexity of language.

In the poem three main words are "Future," "Silence," and "Nothing".These three words are used to explore the limits of language.

One of the key literary devices used in the poem is metaphor. The poet compares the words "future," "silence," and "nothing" to abstract concepts that are difficult to define and understand, and argues that when we try to speak of them, we are limited by language and our perception of the world.

The emotional tone of the poem is not necessarily one of sadness or joy, but rather of thoughtful reflection and consideration. Main thing of the poem focuses on the limitations of language and the way that words shape our understanding of the world.

The poem invites the reader to reflect on the limitations of language and the way that words shape our understanding of the world, and this creates a connection between the readers and the poem.

The use of literary devices and techniques contributes to the overall artistic merit of the poem and reinforces its exploration of the limitations of language and the way that words shape our understanding of the world.

Problematize the poem:-

When I pronounce the word Future,

the first syllable already belongs to the past.

In the first stanza,The poet says that when we try to speak of certain abstract concepts like "future," "silence," and "nothing," we are inherently limited by language . When we speak or pronounce any kind of word/ words many times it happens that words of meaning change.

When I pronounce the word Silence,

I destroy it.

 In the second stanza, the poet says that when we pronounce the word "silence," we destroy it,silence is an elusive concept that cannot be captured by language.

When I pronounce the word Nothing,

I make something no non-being can hold.

In the third Stanza, the poet says that when we pronounce the word "nothing," we make something that cannot be held by non-being, suggesting that the concept of nothing is paradoxical and cannot be fully understood.

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