Thursday 15 February 2024

ThAct: The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

ThAct: The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

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This blog is in response to the task assigned by professor Dilip Barad sir as part of a thinking activity.

The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

Arundhati Roy's "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness," released on June 6, 2017, is her second novel. It's a fictional story written in English and spans 449 pages. The book was published by Hamish Hamilton in the UK and India, and Alfred A. Knopf in the US.

Set primarily in India with some scenes in Canada, the novel paints a picture of diverse characters facing the challenges of modern Indian society. These characters come from all walks of life, including an intersex woman, a bold architect, and a landlord involved in intelligence work.

Through their stories, Roy explores some of the darkest moments in recent Indian history, such as unfair land reforms, the tragic Bhopal disaster, the 2002 Godhra train burning, and the ongoing conflict in Kashmir. It's a gripping narrative that sheds light on the complexities and struggles of individuals amidst these turbulent times.

Arundhati Roy, whose full name is Suzanna Arundhati Roy, was born on November 24, 1961. She's an Indian author, essayist, and political activist. You might recognize her most for her novel "The God of Small Things," which won the Booker Prize for Fiction in 1997 and became hugely popular, especially in India. Beyond her writing, Roy is deeply involved in advocating for human rights and environmental causes.

She's received numerous awards for her work, including the National Film Award for Best Screenplay in 1988 for her contributions to the film "In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones." Her involvement in film extends to writing screenplays for movies like "Electric Moon" and "Bandit Queen."

Roy's literary career began with "The God of Small Things," her first novel, which she wrote from 1992 to 1996. In 2007, she published her second novel, "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness," which also garnered attention and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction in 2018. Through her writing and activism, Roy continues to make significant contributions to both Indian and global discourse on important social and political issues.

1) How is the intertextual references to other writers in the novel connected with the central theme of the novel? [also mention the epigraphs in English & Hindi]

In Arundhati Roy's book "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness," there are six parts, each with two chapters. Each part starts with a short quote from poets and writers who, like Roy, were strong and rebellious. They faced tough times because of discrimination based on race, sexuality, or gender, and some were even imprisoned or exiled. Despite these challenges, they stayed strong and didn't give in to authority. These quotes at the beginning of each part set the tone for the book and show the shared courage of these writers, including Arundhati Roy.

I mean, it’s all a matter of your heart

यानी सारा मामला दिल का है

This quote appears before the first chapter titled 'Where Do Old Birds Go to Die?' It's from Nâzim Hikmet’s poem “On the Matter of Romeo and Juliet.” In Arundhati Roy’s book, she connects the story of Romeo and Juliet to the Arabo-Persian tale of Laila and Majnun, illustrating how stories and cultures blend across borders. She emphasizes how authors from different backgrounds inspire each other, disregarding boundaries and claims of superiority. One of her characters, Anjum, plays with words, hinting at her gender identity and advocating for inclusivity. In Anjum’s cemetery, those rejected elsewhere find acceptance, contrasting with the segregated cemeteries often found in India. Ironically, Anjum’s cemetery represents the diverse and inclusive India of the past.

In  what language does rain fall over tormented cities? 

बारिश किस भाषा में गिरती है यातनाग्रस्त शहरों  के ऊपर ?

This quote appears before the third chapter titled 'The Nativity'. It's from Pablo Neruda, a poet who faced exile and accusations of being targeted for assassination under Pinochet's regime. The quote brings to mind the defiant funeral procession that followed Neruda's coffin despite Pinochet's refusal to allow a public funeral. This act of resistance is similar to the passionate protests during the burial of Kashmiri martyrs described in Roy's writing. These burials serve as protests against the indifference of occupying forces, who often leave corpses unburied along the Line of Control in Kashmir. 

Beyond Kashmir, the novel delves into themes of mourning and the treatment of the dead, symbolized by the tragic decline of vultures and the mistreatment of Untouchable cow skinners by Hindu mobs.

Roy references Neruda's final book, "Libro de las Preguntas" (The Book of Questions), focusing on a question about rain falling on tormented cities, which echoes the suffering depicted in the diverse landscapes of India. This attention to language and diverse cultures is reflected in Roy's narrative style, which includes formal experiments such as mock multiple-choice questions and reading comprehension passages.

Death flies in, thin bureaucrat, from the plains”, a fit frame for the third “section"

मौत एक छरहरी नौकरशाह है, मैदानों से उड़कर आती हुई 

This quote comes before the seventh chapter titled 'The Landlord'. It's from the first line of a poem by Agha Shahid Ali, a Kashmiri poet who moved to the USA but remained deeply connected to the pain of his homeland. His poem reflects the invasion of death, portrayed as a bureaucratic figure, into Kashmir. This quote sets the mood for the section narrated by "The Landlord," a character symbolizing the cold and cynical authority of the State.

Agha Shahid Ali's poetry, especially his collection "The Country Without a Post Office," has provided solace and inspiration for many Kashmiris. His voice resonates in the works of Kashmiri writers who have drawn from his words since his death in 2001. In Roy's novel, the image of mourners fleeing gunfire at a funeral, leaving behind countless shoes, vividly captures the violence and tragedy endured in Kashmir.

Then, as she had already died four or five times, the apartment had remained available for a drama more serious than her own death.

क्योंकि वह पहले चार या पाँच बार मर चुकी थी, अपार्टमेंट उसकी मृत्यु से भी ज़्यादा गंभीर किसी नाटक के लिए उपलब्ध था। 

This quote comes before the eighth chapter titled 'The Tenant'. It's from Jean Genet, who is known for writing the novel "Notre-Dame-des-Fleurs" while he was in prison in 1942. Although it might seem surprising at first, there are actually many connections between Genet's literary world and "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness."

Genet's life experiences and his works place him among those who feel unsettled and uncertain, with his novel's mix of sexuality and religion appealing to both devout believers and those who question religious norms. Genet faced a troubled youth and endured suffering in prison. He also spoke out against injustices, such as supporting oppressed groups like African-Americans and Angela Davis, and expressing his outrage over events like the Shatila massacre.

All these themes and struggles resonate with what Arundhati Roy explores in her book. Additionally, Genet's style of playing with different genres and perspectives, creating narratives that don't fit neatly into one category, likely influenced Roy's approach to storytelling. In "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness," Roy combines humor, political commentary, sadness, tragedy, poetry, realism, and elements of magical realism, all while shifting between different characters' viewpoints. This mixture reflects Genet's desire to tell stories in original ways and resist following traditional storytelling rules.

And they would not believe me precisely because they would know that what I said was true.

और वे मेरी बात पर सिर्फ़ इस वजह से यक़ीन नहीं करते थे की वे जानते थे कि मैंने जो कुछ कहा था वह सच था।

This quote comes before the ninth chapter titled 'The Untimely Death of Miss Jebeen the First'. It's from James Baldwin's essay "Down at the Cross: Letter from a Region in My Mind," which discusses race relations in the USA, a topic still relevant today. When we apply Baldwin's ideas to caste relations in India, they remain just as meaningful. The quote addresses the tendency of people to deny the horrifying actions humans inflict on one another. Arundhati Roy points out similar denials in India, where caste is often pushed aside or ignored by intellectuals and scholars, despite its significant impact on society. She criticizes those who are privileged enough to not experience caste discrimination firsthand, yet assume it has been eradicated, comparing it to presuming a disease like smallpox has disappeared simply because they haven't seen it.

Roy's decision to quote Baldwin instead of Martin Luther King, who admired Gandhi, reflects her criticism of Gandhi's glorification and sanitized portrayal. She recognizes that caste discrimination is different from racial discrimination but insists they are comparable in their targeting of people based on ancestry and alleged impurity. Baldwin's insights about dehumanization in racism and casteism resonate in India, where victims often internalize their own inferiority. Baldwin urged his nephew not to accept false narratives constructed by white people, emphasizing their inhumanity and fear, and rejecting any assumptions of inferiority.

Then there was the changing of the seasons. ‘This is also a journey,’ M said, ‘and they can’t take it away from us'.

फिर मौसमों में परिवर्तन हुआ। 'यह भी एक यात्रा है,' एम ने कहा, 'और इसे वे हमसे छीन नहीं सकते।

This quote comes before the tenth chapter titled 'The Ministry of Utmost Happiness'. It's from Nadezhda Mandelstam's memoir, "Hope Against Hope," which tells the tragic story of her husband, Osip Mandelstam, during Stalin's purges. Nadezhda played a crucial role in preserving Osip's poetry by memorizing his unpublished works and smuggling them out of the USSR for publication. Her memoirs reveal the harshness, cruelty, and randomness of life under Stalin's rule, while also exploring themes of hope, despair, and human dignity in the face of oppression.

Nadezhda's reflections on whether to speak out or remain silent in times of oppression resonate with Roy's portrayal of human suffering and resilience. Roy depicts extreme torture and the bodies of martyred youths with a similar mix of anger and dark humor. Despite the grimness, Roy also highlights the idea of "hope against hope," drawing inspiration from Mirza Waheed's use of yellow flowers as a symbol of hope intertwined with grief.

The "Russian connection" in Roy's work can be understood within the influence of the Indian Communist Party, which encouraged cultural exchange with the USSR and made Russian literature accessible through translation into Indian languages, especially in West Bengal. Even characters like Revathy, raised by her Communist grandfather, embody this connection, surrounded by books from People's Publishing House and Soviet Bhumi.

2) What is the symbolic significance of Vulture and Gui Kyom (Dung Beetle) in the novel?

In "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness," Arundhati Roy uses two animals, the vulture and the dung beetle, to convey deeper meanings.

1. Vulture: 

The vulture symbolizes death and destruction, often appearing in scenes of violence or disaster. It serves as a reminder of the harsh realities of life and how people can be cruel to one another. Vultures also highlight the interconnectedness of life and death, as they clean up dead animals. However, Roy also shows how human actions, like giving medication to cows that harms vultures, can disrupt this balance. By referencing events where Dalits resist cleaning areas due to vulture deaths, Roy underscores the importance of understanding and addressing such issues. This is exemplified in the real-world case where pharmaceuticals caused significant ecological damage to vulture populations.

2. Gui Kyom (Dung Beetle): 

In contrast to the vulture, the dung beetle represents strength and transformation. Dung beetles are known for turning waste into something useful, enriching soil for plant growth. In the story, Gui Kyom is associated with Anjum, a transgender woman who finds beauty in unexpected places. This connection suggests that even in difficult times, there's hope for positive change and improvement.

These animals serve as metaphors for larger concepts like life, death, and societal dynamics. The vulture reflects the harsh realities of existence, while Gui Kyom offers optimism and the potential for growth, even amidst adversity. Through these symbols, Roy invites readers to contemplate profound themes and encourages them to envision a better future.

3) Instead of privileging the center stage, "The Ministry of the Utmost Happiness" shifts the spotlight to the back alleys and hidden corners, granting agency to those typically relegated to the sidelines. Analyze how Roy's decision to center the periphery enriches our understanding of social, political, and existential realities often ignored by mainstream narratives.

Arundhati Roy's book "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness" is special because it focuses on people who don't usually get much attention in stories. Instead of just talking about the main characters, Roy tells the stories of those who are often left out, like transgender folks, hijras, and Dalits. This helps us understand that everyone's experiences matter and that society is made up of lots of different kinds of people.

By shining a light on these marginalized groups, Roy talks about important social and political issues. Through her characters, she explores things like unfair treatment based on caste, tensions between religions, and how powerful people can mistreat others. By connecting these stories, Roy shows us how these problems are all linked and how they can make each other worse. This helps us see how society works and why some people face more challenges than others.

Besides discussing big issues, Roy also looks at how people see themselves and fit into society. Her characters often have different identities and belong to different groups. Roy shows us how they figure out who they are and where they fit in, even when society tries to push them away.

Overall, Roy's book gives us a new way of looking at the world. By focusing on the stories of those who are usually ignored, she helps us understand society better and the problems it faces. She encourages us to think about unfairness and inequality and to see the worth in everyone's experiences.

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