Saturday 27 August 2022

Macbeth - William Shakespeare

    This blog is part of a Thinking Activity.The act-Macbeth given by Dilip Barad sir from Department of English.

 Macbeth (1606/07)

       -William Shakespeare (1566-1616)

            He is white regarded is the greatest writer in the English language and the world's dramatist. He is often called England's National poet and nicknamed the Bard of Avon . He was born in 23rd April, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England. He is father's name was John Shakespeare and mother's name was Mary Arden. He is father was a successful local businessman and mother was the daughter of a land owner. Shakespeare was the third son of his parents. He was baptized on April 1564. Little is known of Shakespeare's childhood and education. It is speculated that he attended the king's new school in Stratford, where he learnt to read and write. Since all the grammar schools then follow the same curricula. It is believed that he received intensive education in grammar based upon Latin classical authors. Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway,at the age of 18 in 1582. She was 8 years older than him. They had three children.

They are Susanna Hall, Hamnet Shakespeare and Judith Quiney. William Shakespeare has been confirmed with the owner of being England's National poet and 'Bard of Avon'. Though it's not exactly known as to when did Shakespeare begin his writing career; records of performances show that he is place started to feature on the London stage by 1592. Scholars refer to the years between 1585 and 1592 as Shakespeare's "lost years". In 1592 ,London theatre scene ,Shakespeare's writing were called as rubbish by another play writer. Afterwards the same play writer documented his biography. Shakespeare's play where solely performed by lord Chamberlain company in 1594 ,of which Shakespeare himself was one of the actors. After the queen Elizabeth died, the new king gems I issued a Royal pattern to the company and it was renamed as "THE KING'S MEN". In 1598 William Shakespeare's name appeared on the title page of the work. Bye 1599 Shakespeare's work where famous all over the globe. He continued writing until at list 1613. He wrote 38 Drama, 154 Sonnet, 2 long poem , His best work was Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Juliet , Julius Caesar , Macbeth etc.

      Talking about the style that Shakespeare adopted for his work, he was extremely innovative. He adapted the traditional and convention style in his own way bye adding metaphors and rhetorical phrases. However, the addition hardly ever aligned to the plot or the characters of the story. He died on 23 April, 1616 at the age of 52 , at his home town. He died within a month of signing his will , a document which he begins by describeing himself as being in "perfect health". In his will Shakespeare left the bulk of his large estate 2 is elder daughter Susanna.


       So far is William Shakespeare's Macbeth is concerned it is one of the most eminent and successful tragedy. It is a 5 act play and shortest of Shakespeare's tragedy. It is thought to have been first performed in 1606. Shakespeare wrote a galaxy of tragedy and comedy in his life

       In this tragedy, Shakespeare has commented on those who are hungry for power. In this play, the hero of the story, Macbeth, has told the growing longing for power and the tragedy. Macbeth is the hero of the story. It is this story at the beginning of a brave soldier who is seduced by the prophecy of three witches in the story and dreams of becoming emperor himself.



1.  Macbeth:- Scottish general in the army of king  Dukan.

Thane of Glamis.

Thane of Cawdor.

Later king of Scotland

2. Lady Macbeth:- Wife of Macbeth.

Later, Queen of Scotland.

3. Duncan:-present King of Scotland

4. Malkin:- elder son of king Scotland 

5. Donald:- another son of kings Scotland 

6. Banquo:- Macbeth friend ,aAgeneral in the army of king dunken

7. Fleance:- Son of Banquo 

8. Macduff:- Thane of Fife 

9. Three witches:- they represent darkness,Chaos, conflict 

10. Hecate :- Queen of the Witches 

11. Ross :- Scottish general

12 . Angus :-  Scottish general 

✳️ Feminist Reading of Lady Macbeth.

Readymade bed fine sir classical concept of femininity repulsive but cannot deny women hood without denying morality as well. Unfortunately neither of her desire can carry through she in unable to commit the initial murder herself.
  In 'Macbeth' Shakespeare shows three types of female characters which will now be looked at in further detail, starting off with Lady Macbeth. Her name Lady Macbeth would suggest that she should be just as her name says, a Lady, an accessory to Macbeth himself, har characterization, as one of the protagonists, defies the definition of the traditional female gender role if found by Tyson as she is neither emotional nor submissive. She describe a scene of infanticide showing that she is like children, unlike the typical women whose main in it should be to raise children and care f or the family. Bloody Macbeth exudes dominance throughout the play and max her power.
  Furthermore, she openly rejects her femininity through the words. Through the words we can understand that being a woman means she cannot be powerful. This is the first example of Lady Macbeth purposefully rejecting her femaleness to gain power. Lady Macduff as a counterpart to Lady Macbeth. She is written as the stereotypical female character who is submissive and puts her family above all else. Even though she does voice minor criticism relating to her husband's actions. Humans are well supposed to accept whatever choice their husband's make and not criticize, then it is all made up for when his intention for living is discovered. Through the critic Lady Macduff differentiates herself from Lady Macbeth because she appeals to Macduff's morals as opposed to Lady Macbeth, whose words are meant to drive her husband to commit heinous crimes. Lady Macbeth is a prime example of female stereotype as she is portrayed and her intention for living is discovered. Through the critic Lady MacDuff differentiates herself from Lady Macbeth because she appeals to Macduff's morals as opposed to Lady Macbeth, whose words are meant to drive her husband to commit heinous crimes. Lady Macduff is a prime example of female stereotype is she is portrayed as weak powerless and submissive to the actions of man which ultimately leads to her death when attacked by murders hired by Macbeth. She maintains a close relationship with her husband even though she voices criticism and concern whenever he leaves his family to go about his obligation. This close relationship leaves Macduff in agony upon discovering her death,as well as seeking revenge.

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