Sunday 28 August 2022


    This blog is a part of Sunday reading. The subject post truth given by barad sir from                English department. In this blog I am going to discuss the very famous word post-truth. Post- truth declared as a word of the year by Oxford dictionary in 2016.


Meaning of post-truth:-


noun -

A piece of writing, image or other item of content published online, typically on a blog or social media website or application.

Verb -

Display in a public place.


noun -

that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.


Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion then appeals to emotion and personal brief.

     Post-truth is the idea when people in politics use facts, figures, rationality, logic, rather than a particular kind of prior beliefs, root beliefs, prejudice, stereotypes,decision based on Support a political class swaying in emotion and a special kind of identity politics that has no relation to the economic and geographical conditions of the society.

     Denothing circumstances in which people are more likely to accept and argument based on their emotions and belief, rather than one based on fact.

       For example, the politicians who were in earlier times used to tell facts to the people but they would have been wrong.What is in the post truth, he does not tell the facts, he plays direct emotional game.

   The term post truth in its present sense was first used in 1992 by Serbian -American playwright Steve Tesich.Referring to the Iran- Contra scandal and the Persian Gulf war, he wrote that we free people have decided by their will that we want to live in a kind of post-truth world.

According to the Oxford dictionary, there is evidence that the word post-truth was used even before Steve Tesich. But the former was used in the sense after the truth was revealed.  Whereas Tesich used it in the context of un situations when truth becomes irrelevant in the formation of public opinion.

Oxford University press ,which publishes the Oxford English dictionary and many other dictionary announces and Oxford dictionary UK word of the year end and Oxford dictionary US word of the year sometimes these are the same word.

I have taken few examples from Oxford Dictionaries which are shown below. There are also few words Hindi word of the year including Atmanirbhar word of the year 2020.The Word of the Year in 2020 is Atmanirbhar .This word I took because it is the latest word. In 2016, post truth was the word of the year according to Oxford Dictionaries.


UK Word of the year :- chav 


UK Word of the year:- omnishables 

US Word of the year:- GIF (noun)


UK Word of the year:- 😂(Face With Tears of Joy Unicode:U+1F602, part of emoji)


UK Word of the year:- Post-truth


UK Word of the year:- youthquake 

Hindi Word of the year:- Aadhar


UK Word of the year:-  

Hindi Word of the year:- Atmanirbhar or self Reliance.

Example of post-truth:-

I would like to give an example about some post-truth which is like this and which is also very popular.

 Another example of post-truth of society:-

Gender discrimination.

People of our society still believe that females are considered to be responsible for the gender of the baby.

We live in an error everything is fact best and prone on the basis of scientific principles. But it is so suddening to know that people still believe that a male child is the only heir of the family and continue to prosper The legacy of family for the upcoming generation. It is a fact universal and knowledge that male is responsible for the gender of the child born as only the male body has X and y chromosomes present in it. Astonishingly comma people believe that just because of female carries the child its or warm that provides the gender of the infant which is proved to be wrong several times. Yet people fail to believe in it and continue to walk on the blind path of non factual reasoning which is leading the society towards darkness and nothing else.

Here I am trying to give some of causes of Gender discrimination . 

Narrow ideology:-
    Nehru ideology is also one of the reason for the gender ideology. People believe that the boys will support the old age of the parents. The teaching of boys will increase the house very is the teaching girl is waste of time and money. If the boy is well educated he on for us while the girl is well educated she earn for other house.
Women is considered as lesser than male. Samar preferred more in family and considered as the 'kul ka Deepak'.! Many times Girls are killed before birth, the preference for sons and his favour towards daughter

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