Sunday 11 September 2022

Question - Answers of Frankenstein

 1. Why Victor was not able to accept his dream experiment and reason ?

    When Victor went to university, he became more interested in natural philosophy. He became more interested in science.Trying with great interest to know what this life is? What is the Cigarette of Life? Where does the moon come from, where does life come from in humans? He trying to find about life.He wanted to create a new species. collected the human body and he create a creature. He died by doing his experiments in that body. He regretted seeing his creature because it looked dirty.  The creature was looking very horrible and terrible.Victor wanted to make something beautiful but he didn't.

2. What made creature a monster ?

    Victor Frankenstein created the creature but found it ugly when it was made. And he didn't accept..When Victor saw the creature it was quite ugly. When this creature went out among the people, people did not accept him and people started to fear him and tried to kill him.That's why he used to avoid people and was rejected by the society.Even though Victor who created this creature would ignore it and run away from it because it was ugly.When this creature tried to go among people, people would run away from it and throw stones at him.He wanted to go among the people but he fell so much because people did not accept him.And this is what makes the creature a monster because the people of the society did not hunt it and it became lonely and had to go among individuals.

     Now this creature had an aversion to people and was now hat Victor. He wants to kill Victor.

3. Why society has rejected victors idea of experiment and then the result of his experiment?

    Society rejects Victor's idea because people believe that

 God should not go against the law.He gave birth to us so He gives us death. We cannot create this creature yet Victoria went against the rule and created a creature.He did the experiment but the result was not what he expected. The creature turned ugly and Victor's mistake resulted in creature ne.His idea of ​​creating a creature was not successful. So society rejects this idea of ​​experiment.

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