Friday 16 September 2022

The Absalom & Achitophel

 Hello Readers, I present the blog here .Blog is Assigned by Dilip Barad sir and This Blog is part of our Thinking Activity.

John Dryden:-

John Dryden was an English playwright, critic and poet of 17th century. He was born in 1631 and died in 1700. He was also appointed poet laureate in 1668 by Charles II. He was the first to be appointed and remove as well from laureate ship officially. He was dismissed by William III in 1689. He was a dominant figure during Restoration England. This is the reason that this age is also named 'the Age of Dryden'. Romanticist, Sir Walter Scott called him "Glorious John".

He established himself as the leading poet of his days. Hey witnessed the transition of English literature, commonwealth period. As the theatres re opened in 1660, he started writing plays. He is first play the Wild Gallant was not that successful. But it gave him a contract of writing three place per year by king's company. Marriage A -la-Mode(1673) is counted in his best non plays. All for love (1677-1678) was a blank verse heroic tragedy which earned him more fame. He is satiric verse Mac Flecnoe  which was also written in mock heroic manner , was a personal product in which he attacked on his successor Laureate, Thomas Shadwell. Absalom & Achitophel and The Medal are also counted among his satirical works. His Religio Laici is considered a religious poem.

 Absalom & Achitophel:-

About the Poem:-
  The poem talks about Absalom and Achitophel rebellion against his father King David. Absalom is David's favourite son and Achitophel is David's famous advisor.

  This poem revolves around Achitophel who will persuade to revolves against his father King David. Dryden writes this poem in order to portray a political satire that is a ruin a Charles II, he compare the biblical story with contemporary political events and brings out his poem . This poem is generally acknowledge as finest political satire on the English language.

  This poem is also described allegory regarding contemporary political events and a mock heroic narrative. Allegory is a piece of art. Which symbolises conveys of hidden meaning. Typically this play some moral satire using of humour sense who attack person.So Dryden he has taken a technical story and compares contemporary political events. 

  Dryden pics up a three main characters from the Biblical story and he compares with a contemporary people.

  Absalom,he is a David's favourite son he represents James Scott who is the Duke of Monmouth. This James Scott is a eligimate son of Charles II. James Scott rebelt against Charles and thrown in Dryden time so that is why Dryden has taken this character in his poem. Dryden has this comparison because just like Charles II even King David does not have a male to inherit petrone.

  He has got many mistress by which he has got many eligitimate  son,But he loves Absalom the most.

  Dryden in the poem he supports Charles II just like King David. He says that Charles has all the right to have the tron but his sun is rebelling against him to the throne to him.

 This story of king David is told in the old testament in the Bible which is in the second book of Samuel Chapter 14 -18. In the Bible story if we see David has two advisors,once is Achitophel and other one . They both give advice to Absalom to catch the throne. But the result is he is killed after getting coat by his hair in the branches of the Oak tree. This incident can be read in second Samuel Chapter 18. Achitophel in contemporary story by Dryden. He is represent in Anthony, Ashley Cooper who is Early of Shaftesbury, who is the member of parliament during Dryden's time.

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